Book Review: Bankole Thompson’s ‘Fiery Conscience’ is a Testament of Courage and Triumph of Hope in the Age of Inequality

By Halima Mohiuddin
PhD Candidate in Community College Leadership
Kansas State University

“Fiery Conscience: A Treatise on Two Decades of  the Impactful Journalism of Bankole Thompson,” published by PuLSE Global Publishing in August of this year, is not just a book; it is a relentless force that transcends and redefines the boundaries of literature.

An expert examination by individuals who have witnessed important and significant events in the more than two decades impact of Bankole Thompson’s critical role as a force for social change and equality in the media, the book is an inexorable jolt to the human conscience, awakening readers to their core.

In its pages, we are taken on an involuntary journey to witness how the nationally renowned Detroit journalist Bankole Thompson, who is the founding dean of The PuLSE Institute, and a twice-a-week opinion columnist at The Detroit News, continues to make an indelible impact as a true advocate for the downtrodden and the marginalized. The journey is one that immerses us in a Tsunami of emotions and aligns us with a sense of higher calling and underscoring the urgent need to give voice to those who are struggling in a wilderness of voicelessness.

The book’s opening chapter boldly declares: “Putting White Supremacy on Trial,” and looks at one of the biggest challenges Thompson has ever faced in his enduring and remarkable journalistic career: Getting sued in 2016 for libel by a prominent White nationalist for his piercing writings that perform on the maladies of our body politic.

The chapter written by Len Niehoff, a leading First Amendment lawyer in the nation, who defended Thompson in the groundbreaking case thoroughly examined the issues in the case, and how the courts subsequently affirmed Bankole Thompson’s First Amendment right to free speech and firmly asserted that his columns in The Detroit News, were protected political speech. Because of the significance and weight of the case, the Michigan Court of Appeals made its verdict in favor of Thompson and the newspaper a published opinion.

Not many journalists are targeted and taken to court by White nationalists for their work, which makes Thompson’s work a rarity and places the Detroit journalist and champion for equality in a unique position as a media standard-bearer for racial justice.

But that is not the only chapter that grabs readers attention and keeps them glued to the book. The chapter that follows devles into a more than a decade old case of two Black boys who were falsely accused of murder in a suburban Michigan community.

Long before the Black Lives Matter movement arrested our consciousness and took on a powerful meaning after the death of George Floyd, Bankole Thompson, has been using his voice and pen to help liberate those who were caught in the discords of inequality.

As Gwen Swanigan, mother of one of the young men facing serious and devastating charges narrates in the book, Bankole Thompson intervened in the famous case of the “Taylor boys,” and his relentless determination to prove their innocence displayed a kind of commitment in the press that is hard to find these days.

Conscientious Media Key to Preserving True Democracy

In order to foster a genuine democracy grounded in justice, equity, and integrity, it is crucial that individuals are well-informed and conscious, enabling them to make responsible choices and meaningful contributions to their communities and nations. The selection of political representation by informed citizens is a cornerstone of this process.

Bankole Thompson’s work serves as a living testament to the pivotal role journalism plays as the linchpin for the realization of true democracy. In fact, “Fiery Conscience is a compelling proof of Malcolm X’s statement, “Truth does not change, only our awareness of it.”

The principles of truth, accuracy, and objectivity are not only fundamental to journalistic ethics but also are key prerequisites for establishing a robust democratic foundation.

Numerous studies underscore the critical impact of journalists across various domains. According to research in Journalism Studies by Lars Willnat, David H. Weaver, and G. Cleveland Wilhoit (2017), the interplay between citizens and journalists holds the transformative power to shape and alter public opinion, as depicted in Figure 1. The following figure serves as a visualization of the influential link between the press and the public, emphasizing the ability of journalists to effect change.

Throughout the book, Bankole Thompson’s character radiates unwavering integrity, a profound sense of responsibility, and a deep well of courage. Unlike individuals in other professions, a journalist risked his/her life daily, choosing to be a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

In the pursuit of genuine democracy, it is imperative that journalists undertake the responsibility of decoding and analyzing complex policy issues, government assertions, and international policies.

By doing so, journalists empower the public through heightened awareness. The dissemination of accurate information not only facilitates understanding but also enables citizens to engage actively in the democratic process.

In this way, journalism becomes a beacon guiding societies toward a democracy characterized by transparency, accountability, and an informed citizenry.

“Fiery Conscience” Is Needed in Our Middle & High School Curriculum

The impact of “Fiery Conscience” reaches far beyond the individual stories of families and individuals told in the book.

In an age where young people need powerful and remarkable role models as well as examples of how to effectively create change in their chosen future careers, the book should be considered mandatory reading, not only for adults but also for middle and high school students.

At a time where moral values and social responsibility are often overlooked, “Fiery Conscience” is a guiding light. It grooms and carves young minds in a way that is an absolute necessity to meet the challenges of the present era.

Middle and high school are both crucial stages in a child’s development, where they begin to form their values and beliefs.

Reading “Fiery Conscience” can serve as a transformative experience for any young student aspiring to make a difference in society because it introduces them to the concept of selflessness, the power of unwavering integrity, and the importance of standing up for what is right even if it is unpopular to do so.

Simple put, Bankole Thompson is a powerful role model who can inspire the next generation to strive for a higher purpose and to be the force that brings about positive change in the world.

The Resonance of “Fiery Conscience”

The impact of “Fiery Conscience” extends beyond temporal and geographical confines, resonating across borders and generations.

That’s because Bankole Thompson’s devotion to justice and equality through his multimedia platforms transcends cultural and societal boundaries, echoing the indomitable human spirit’s ability to rise above adversity.

That we are each called to take on adversity in the service of our conscience and to render the public good.

In the tradition of Nelson Mandela’s “Long Walk to Freedom,” William Ernest Henley’s “Invictus,” Curtis L. Ivery’s Journeys of Conscience and Toni Morrison’s “Beloved,” Bankole Thompson champions the transformative power of a fiery conscience, breaking the chains of oppression and inspiring change through epochs.

Thompson’s fierce urgency for change, as seen in “Fiery Conscience,” aligns with the themes of resilience and empowerment found in Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s works, “Where Do We Go from Here” and “Why We Can’t Wait.” These writings collectively emphasize the enduring strength of individuals with a fiery conscience, drawing parallels with Keith Elison’s “Break the Wheel” about how he stood up for George Floyd in presiding over one of the history’s greatest and most successful prosecutions against police violence.

Through grit and determination, these influential texts, including Dr. King’s, illuminate the common thread of courage and conviction running through the narratives of those challenging the status quo and championing justice, leaving an indelible mark on history.

In essence, “Fiery Conscience” joins the ranks of some of the most impactful works in history, weaving a narrative that transcends time and resonates across generations.

By demonstrating the significance and public good that is derived from having a fiery conscience, Thompson’s book serves as a beacon, inspiring readers to embrace their convictions and strive for positive change in the face of challenges.

Bankole Thompson’s journey stands as a reminder that individuals, in the face of immense challenges can exemplify the highest values of humanity. His unwavering commitment to persistently questioning injustice, oppression, and discrimination in every chapter is a shining example of the potential within each of us, waiting to be awakened.


“Fiery Conscience” is a literary masterpiece, and Bankole Thompson is, unequivocally an inspiration, a reminder that in the darkest hours, a chosen one can emerge and be a force for public good that transcends the pages of this book and compels us to reflect on our own lives and the impact we can make on the world.

Maya Angelou, in a 1982 commencement address at Wellesley College spoke about the virtue of courage.

“Since you have worked this hard, since you have also been greatly blessed, since you are here, you have developed a marvelous level of courage, and the question then which you must ask yourself , I think, is will you really do the job which is to be done: Make this country more than it is today, more than what James Baldwin called ‘these yet to be United States’……It takes a phenomenal amount of courage.  For around this world, your world, my world, there are conflicts, brutalities, humiliations, terrors, murders, around this world,” Angelou said.

In “Fiery Conscience,” Bankole Thompson lives out the true meaning of the courage Maya Angelou spent her pilgrimage teaching us all about.

Halima Mohiuddin, is currently a doctoral candidate in higher education with a focus on community college leadership at Kansas State University. Some of her many specializations are in Finance, MIS, Healthcare Management, Process Engineering, and Innovation. She is passionately invested in transforming the global educational landscape.

 With over 20 years of experience in the corporate and education sectors, she has a proven track record of transforming educational institutions, building leadership capacity, and driving innovation encompassing all stakeholders. She is the founder of Leadership Think Tanks Inc and has been a professional development coach and a leadership capacity-building expert to numerous S&P 500 corporate giants like P&G, Nestle, etc.

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